Prisca Pipitany, S.Tp., M.M., M.Ed.
Principal of KB-TK Kristen Calvin
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Food Technology and a Master's in Marketing Management from Pelita Harapan University. Then continued studies and earned a master's degree in Early Childhood Education at Dordt University.
Teachers Directory
Our Dedicated Teachers
Juliana Asikin, S.T.
Class Teacher
Fenny, S.TP.
Class Teacher
Rini Julia Sasmita, S.Ds., M.Pd.
Class Teacher
Nathasya Sardy, S.Pd.
Teacher Assistant
Joy Kimberlyn, S.Pd.
Teacher Assistant
Sarah Charista Winata, S.Sn., M.A.
Music Teacher
Tjiang Phei Ling, B.M.
Mandarin Teacher
Chrissie Martinez Limuissa, S.Ds., M.Pd., M.Th.
Principal of SD Kristen Calvin
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Alvian Gini Saputri, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Basaria Simanullang, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Bernice Christella, MA Education.
Teacher Class
Cristine Marito, S.Or., M.Or.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Danaria Purba, S.Pd.K.
Teacher Class
Deborah Christianty B., Amd.
English Teacher
Deswita Ade Risky, S.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Elsa Cahya Sari, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Eva Maria Sianturi, S.Pd.
Science Teacher
Evi Riawaty, S.Ds.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Fifi Kurniawan, S.Si.
Mathematics Teacher
Mandarin Teacher
Lina Em Juita, S.E., M.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Maria Kristina, S.Th., M.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Meny, S.Kom.
Music Teacher
Priskila Davita Huwae, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Punia Octorito Simatupang, S.Pd.
Art, Culture and Craft Teacher
Vik. Rame Manurung, M.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Nabylla Sardy, S.Pd.
English Teacher
Rita Ronatio Hutagalung, S.P.A.K., M.A.
Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Ruth Irwin, S.S.
English Teacher
Riady, S.Kom.
ICT Teacher
Selma Linggadjati, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Silvya Lestari Hutabarat, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Sofi Natalia, B.A.(Hons) in Music.
Music Teacher
Tanty, Amd., S.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Terecia Elshinta Alam, S.Sn.
Mandarin Teacher
Tomi Karlianto, S.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Vivylia, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Ninik Triningsih, S.Pd.
Vice Principal of Student Affairs at SMP Kristen Calvin
Science/Biology Teacher
Christine, S.S.
Vice Principal of Facilities and Infrastructure at SMP Kristen Calvin
English Teacher
Antonius Arismunandar Hananto, B.Comm., M.A.
Social Studies Teacher
Daniel Ekasaputra Ongkowijoyo, S.Th.
Music Teacher
Eddy Wiharja, S.T.
Mathematics Teacher
Dr. Erwan, S.S., M.Hum.
Civics Teacher
Fernandes, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Gres Harlely Purba, S.Pd.
Physics Teacher
Hendry, S.Th.
Philosophy Teacher
Irwan, B.B.A., M.Div.
Mandarin Teacher
Judika Ekaristi Putra Imanuel, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Jadi Sampurna Lima, M.Div., M.A., M.Th.
Philosophy Teacher
Jeannette Regina Tani, S.Hum., M.Si.
Philosophy Teacher
Mesalina Br Sitepu, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
M. Bunga Paulina, S.S.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Nata Surjadi Leeman, S.Ds.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Pramudia Haloho, S.S.
English Teacher
Yoga Kristina Br Ginting, S.Pd.
Science Teacher
Jerol Videl Liow, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Vice Principal of Student Affairs at SMA Kristen Calvin
Mathematics Teacher
Annisa Amadea Svastika, S.Hum.
Philosophy Teacher
Ari Prasetyo, S.Kom.
Mathematics Teacher
Clara Yoosy, S.Si.
Biology Teacher
Denni Yulius Girsang, S.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Vik. Dra. Dewi Maya M. Sianturi, M.Th.
History Teacher
Vik. Diana Ruth Winoto, S.Sn., M.Div.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Dorothy Nathalie, S.Si., M.Sc.
Biology Teacher
Haryono Tafianoto, B.A., M.Ed.
History Teacher
Heruarto Salim, B.Bus., M.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Hezron, S.T., M.Sc.
Physics Teacher
Ivandes Doli Parulian, S.E., M.E.
Economics Teacher
Jeannette Regina Tani, S.Hum.
Philosophy Teacher
Jeremia Allufi, S.T.
Physics Teacher
Jordan Frans Adrian, B.A., M.Teach (Sec).
Indonesia History Teacher
Justiar Purba, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Kevin Nobel, S.Sos., M.A.
Sociology Teacher
Kevin Simangunsong, S.S.
History Teacher
Laurent Juliani Monica, M.T.
Geography Teacher
Natalia Sitompul, S.S.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Novia Hoki Anditya, S.Pd., M.S.
Mathematic Teacher
Ratna Hutagalung, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Samuel Joan Parasian Siregar, S.Pd.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Sintia Stefana Hingkua, S.Pd., M.Si.
Chemistry Teacher
Suntar Jono, S.T., M.Si.
Physics Teacher
Yovela Belicia, B.A.
English Teacher
Fenny, S.TP.
Class Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Food Technology from Pelita Harapan University.
Yohana Wijaya, M.A.C., M.S.Ed.
Vice Principal of KB/TK Kristen Calvin
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education with a minor in Integrated Science from Calvin College. Then continued studies and earned a master's degree in Biblical Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary and in Reading, Writing, and Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania.
Juliana Asikin, S.T.
Class Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Parahyangan Catholic University.
Rini Julia Sasmita, S.Ds., M.Pd.
Class Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design from Tarumanagara University. Then continued studies and earned a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from Jakarta State University.
Nathasya Sardy, S.Pd.
Teacher Assistant
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Elementary Teacher Education from President University.
Joy Kimberlyn, S.Pd.
Teacher Assistant
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Guidance and Counseling from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika) Atma Jaya.
Sarah Charista Winata, S.Sn., M.A.
Music Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in the field of Art Studies from Pelita Harapan University. Then continued studies and earned a Master's degree in the program of Master of Arts in Choral Conducting (Music) from the University of Birmingham.
Tjiang Phei Ling, B.M.
Mandarin Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Information Management and Information Systems from Tsinghua University.
Chrissie Martinez Limuissa, S.Ds., M.Pd., M.Th.
Principal of SD Kristen Calvin
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design from Trisakti University Jakarta. Then continued studies for a Master's degree in Elementary Education at Jakarta State University. After that, continued studies in the Master's Program in Theology at STT Reformed Injili Internasional.
Tunjung Susilowati, M.Pd.
Vice Principal of Curriculum at SD Kristen Calvin
Mathematics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Petra Christian University. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master's degree in Elementary Education from Jakarta State University. Currently pursuing a doctoral degree in the same field and university as the Master's degree.
Viona Karunia, S.Pd.
Vice Deputy Head of Student Affairs at SD Kristen Calvin
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Education from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.
Alvian Gini Saputri, S.Pd.
Indonesian Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Indonesian Language Education from Indraprasta PGRI University.
Basaria Simanullang, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Physical Education, Health, and Recreation from State University of Medan.
Bernice Christella, MA Education.
Class Teacher
Obtained a Master's degree in Arts Education (Literacy) from University College London.
Cristine Marito, S.Or., M.Or.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Sports Science from State University of Medan. Then continued studies for a Master's degree in Sports Science – Health Sports at Yogyakarta State University.
Danaria Purba, S.Pd.K.
Class Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Christian Religious Education from Ekumene School of Theology and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Social Studies at Indraprasta PGRI University.
Deborah Christianty B., Amd.
English Teacher
Graduated with a Diploma in Secretarial Studies from Tarakanita Academy/ Vocational Education Institution.
Deswita Ade Risky, S.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education from Indraprasta PGRI University.
Elsa Cahya Sari, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics Education from Satya Wacana Christian University.
Eva Maria Sianturi, S.Pd.
Science Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education from Pelita Harapan University.
Evi Riawaty, S.Ds.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design from Tarumanegara University.
Fifi Kurniawan, S.Si.
Mathematics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology from Bogor Agricultural University.
Mandarin Teacher
Graduated from high school with a focus on Social Studies at Fukien Middle School.
Lina Em Juita, S.E., M.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Accounting from Jayabaya University. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master's degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) from Indraprasta PGRI University
Maria Kristina, S.Th., M.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology (Pastoral Counseling) from Jaffray Institute of Philosophy, Theology, and Leadership. Then continued studies for a Master's degree in Indonesian Language Education at Indraprasta PGRI University.
Meny, S.Kom.
Music Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Computerized Accounting from Bina Nusantara School of Management and Information Technology.
Priskila Davita Huwae, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Elementary School Teacher Education from Petra Christian University.
Punia Octorito Simatupang, S.Pd.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts Education from State University of Medan.
Vik. Rame Manurung, M.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology from Providensia Theological Seminary. Then earned a Master's degree in Theology from Reformed Injili International Theological Seminary.
Nabylla Sardy, S.Pd.
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Education from Pelita Harapan University.
Rita Ronatio Hutagalung, S.P.A.K., M.A.
Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Christian Religious Education from Jaffray Theological Seminary Makassar. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master's degree in Counseling and Ministry from Reformed Injili Indonesia Theological Seminary.
Ruth Irwin, S.S.
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature from Indonesia University of Education.
Riady, S.Kom.
ICT Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Information Systems from Bina Nusantara University.
Selma Linggadjati, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Elementary School Teacher Education from Pelita Harapan University.
Silvya Lestari Hutabarat, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in History from Indraprasta PGRI University.
Sofi Natalia, B.A.(Hons) in Music.
Music Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Music from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts – University of Wales and a Postgraduate Diploma from Hamburger Conservatory, Germany.
Tanty, Amd., S.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Obtained a Diploma (D3) in Secretarial Studies from Saint Marry Academy of Secretarial and Management. Then obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology from Reformed Injili International Theological Seminary.
Terecia Elshinta Alam, S.Sn.
Mandarin Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Interior Design from Trisakti University.
Tomi Karlianto, S.Pd.
Mathematics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education from Pelita Harapan University.
Vivylia, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Indonesian Language Education from Setia Budi Mandiri University, Medan.
dr. Roy Pangemanan
Principal of SMP Kristen Calvin
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Medicine from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.
Sandra Tan, B.Sc. (Hons.)
Vice Principal of Curriculum at SMP Kristen Calvin
Mathematic Techer
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Portsmouth.
Ninik Triningsih, S.Pd.
Vice Principal of Student Affairs at SMP Kristen Calvin
Science/Biology Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology Education from Yogyakarta State University.
Christine, S.S.
Vice Principal of Facilities and Infrastructure at SMP Kristen Calvin
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the Indonesian Methodist University.
Antonius Arismunandar Hananto, B.Comm., M.A.
Social Studies Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Communication in Media from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Then earned a master's degree in Film and Digital Image from the University of Sydney.
Daniel Ekasaputra Ongkowijoyo, S.Th.
Music Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology with a concentration in Church Music from Reformed Injili International Theological Seminary.
Eddy Wiharja, S.T.
Mathematic Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Electrical Power Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology.
Dr. Erwan, S.S., M.Hum.
Civics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Literature from Bina Nusantara University. Then continued studies and earned a Master's degree in Literary Studies from the University of Indonesia. After that, pursued doctoral studies in Philosophy and successfully obtained a Doctorate from Driyarkara School of Philosophy.
Fernandes, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Physical Education, Health, and Recreation from Jakarta State University.
Gres Harlely Purba, S.Pd.
Physics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Physics Education from State University of Medan.
Hendry, S.Th.
Philosophy Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology from Skriptura Indonesia Theological Seminary. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Philosophy at Driyarkara School of Philosophy.
Irwan, B.B.A, M.Div.
Mandarin Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Business from Chung Yuan Christian University. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master of Divinity from the Reformed Institute.
Judika Ekaristi Putra Imanuel, S.Pd.
Social Studies Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics Education from Pelita Harapan University. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Theology at Reformed Injili International Theological Seminary.
Jadi Sampurna Lima, M.Div., M.A., M.Th.
Philosophy Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Theology from the Reformed Institute. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master's degree in Master of Divinity from the Reformed Institute; a program in Christian Studies of Science and Society at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; and a Theology program at Reformed Injili International Theological Seminary.
Jeannette Regina Tani, S.Hum., M.Si.
Philosophy Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Indonesia. Then continued studies and graduated with a Master's degree in European Studies from the same university.
Mesalina Br. Sitepu, S.Pd.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam bidang Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dari Universitas Negeri Medan.
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Indonesian Language and Literature Education from State University of Medan.
M. Bunga Paulina, S.S.
Indonesia Language Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Indonesian Language and Literature from Indonesia University of Education.
Nata Surjadi Leeman, S.Ds.
Art, Culture, and Craft Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Design from the Bandung Institute of Technology.
Pramudia Haloho, S.S.
English Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature from Indonesia University of Education.
Yoga Kristina Br Ginting, S.Pd.
Science Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Bilingual Chemistry Education from State University of Medan.
Anthony Salim, S.E., M.Hum.
Principal of SMA Kristen Calvin
Economics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Indonesia. Later pursued and completed a master's degree in Philosophy at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy. Currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Technology at the State University of Jakarta.
Jerol Videl Liow, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Vice Principal of Student Affairs at SMA Kristen Calvin
Mathematic Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education from Manado State University. Later pursued and completed a master's degree in Mathematics at Gadjah Mada University.
Annisa Amadea Svastika, S.Hum.
Philosophy Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Indonesia.
Ari Prasetyo, S.Kom.
Mathematic Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering from Bina Nusantara University.
Clara Yossy, S.Si.
Biology Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Indonesia.
Denni Yulius Girsang, S.Pd.
Mathematic Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Physics Education from the University of Education Indonesia.
Vik. Dra. Dewi Maya M. Sianturi, M.Th.
History Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Indonesia. Subsequently pursued and completed a master's degree in Christian Studies at the Reformed Institute and in Theology at STT Reformed Injili International.
Vik. Diana Ruth Winoto, S.Sn., M.Div.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from Trisakti University. Subsequently pursued and completed a master's degree in Divinity at the Reformed Institute.
Dorothy Nathalie, S.Si., M.Sc.
Biology Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology from Bogor Agricultural University. Subsequently pursued and completed a master's degree in Biological Sciences at Universiteit Gent KU Leuven.
Haryono Tafianto, B.A.
History Teacher
Memperoleh gelar sarjana dalam bidang Computer Science dari Calvin University dan Master of Education dari Dord University.
Heruarto Salim, B.Bus., M.Th.
Christian Religious Education Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Business from Nanyang Technological University Singapore. Subsequently, continued studies and graduated with a master's degree in Theology from STT Reformed Injili Internasional.
Hezron, S.T., M. Sc.
Physics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Mechatronics from Swiss German University. Subsequently, continued studies and graduated with a master's degree in Electronic Systems and Engineering Management from the University of Bolton.
Ivandes Doli Parulian, S.E., M.E.
Economics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Indonesia. Subsequently, continued studies and graduated with a master's degree in Public Policy and Planning from the same university.
Jeremia Allufi, S.T.
Physics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology.
Jordan Frans Adrian, B.A., M.Teach (Sec).
Indonesian History Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Media and Communications Politics and International Studies from the University of Melbourne. Then continued studies for a master's degree and obtained a Master's in Teaching (Secondary) from the Australian Catholic University. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Theology at STT Reformed Injili Internasional.
Justiar Purba, S.Pd.
Physical Education, Sports, and Health Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Sports Coaching Education from Universitas Negeri Medan.
Kevin Nobel, S.Sos., M.A
Sociology Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Sociology from Universitas Indonesia. Later, continued studies and completed a master's degree in Social and Political Thought at The University of Leeds.
Suntar Jono, S.T., M.Si.
Physics Teacher
Obtained a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Then continued studies and graduated with a master's degree in Physics from Universitas Indonesia. Currently pursuing a PhD in Philosophy at Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara.