Sekolah Kristen Calvin Curriculum

Shape Students' Narrative Identity Based on Reformed Theology and the Evangelical Spirit

Sekolah Kristen Calvin understands education not merely as the transfer of skills and academic knowledge but also as a process of discipling students to become followers of Christ based on the true gospel. Within this framework, the curriculum is designed to integrate faith and knowledge, shaping students into skilled individuals who recognize their role in God's grand narrative. In short, the curriculum at Calvin Christian School aims to shape students' narrative identity based on Reformed theology and the Evangelical spirit.

At Sekolah Kristen Calvin, education is linked to the story of creation, the fall, and redemption. This story serves as the foundational narrative that guides every aspect of learning. The school teaches that every field of knowledge has its place in God's plan, so students do not merely learn to master academic subjects but also to understand how these subjects connect with their faith, the formation of Christian character, and the fulfillment of their responsibilities as Christians in the world. Therefore, the curriculum at Sekolah Kristen Calvin provides a holistic education.

Through a curriculum integrated with discipleship, Sekolah Kristen Calvin aims to shape students into the next generation who are prepared to live a life that glorifies God in every aspect of their lives.

Introducing the Six Educational Competencies of Calvin ​

Christian School

Just like the spirit of reform reflected in the slogan "Semper Reformanda", after a decade, SKC felt the need to further develop the curriculum that has been in use. Therefore, SKC has launched 6 educational competencies that have become the main focus of its education. This is a significant new step that requires a continuous learning process. We hope that God's grace will continue to accompany the educational process at SKC for His glory.


Knowledge, skills, and wisdom of children grow in interpreting and using language to understand themselves and their surroundings with confidence and the right motivation.


The development of knowledge, skills, and abilities in using mathematics in various life situations, which includes the ability to think logically, systematically, and analytically, as well as solving problems.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are two abilities that, although different, cannot be separated from one another. Creativity requires the ability to critique. Conversely, criticism without creativity will not provide solutions to what is being criticized.​


Becoming a member of society who understands and respects others, and knows how to express opinions and feelings according to context and one’s position.


There are three aspects included in self-identity education: relationships and cultural context; values held and personal choices; as well as strengths and weaknesses. 

Christian Ethics

A way of life based on values rooted in the standards of the Scriptures, especially through the perspective of Reformation teachings.