Why Choose Sekolah Kristen Calvin?
Among the many school options in Jakarta, why choose Sekolah Kristen Calvin? First and foremost, Sekolah Kristen Calvin was not established to compete with other schools to attract as many students as possible. This school was founded as a fulfillment of the call to serve the church in the field of education. It was established by Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong with a vision: "the formation of Christian character that is faithful, knowledgeable, and responsible as the next generation of the nation." With this vision, Sekolah Kristen Calvin strives for an education that focuses on character development in students.
In realizing this vision, Sekolah Kristen Calvin adopts the perspective of Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong regarding the four pillars of education: teachers, curriculum, students, and facilities. First, the school places a strong emphasis on preparing teachers, even when starting with limited resources. This is done with the understanding that teachers are the most crucial component of education. Second, the curriculum at Sekolah Kristen Calvin integrates the Christian faith as a foundation for teaching subjects, character development, and instilling a sense of nationalism in students. Third, students at Sekolah Kristen Calvin are prepared to be the next generation of leaders. Fourth, while facilities are continually being added, the school continues to emphasize the primary role of teachers in the education process. This philosophical perspective is consistently held by Sekolah Kristen Calvin in providing character education.
In order to achieve its vision of character development, Sekolah Kristen Calvin has prepared the following:

Reformed Evangelical perspective as the foundation for Sekolah Kristen Calvin
Sekolah Kristen Calvin was established under the auspices of the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church. Therefore, Sekolah Kristen Calvin holds the Reformed Evangelical perspective as its foundation. This perspective embodies a commitment to returning to the pure teachings of the Bible and a passion for evangelism.

A qualified teacher whose vision aligns with that of Sekolah Kristen Calvin
Teachers at Sekolah Kristen Calvin are recruited with a strong emphasis on shared vision in character development. Of course, teachers are also recruited based on their calling, both in teaching and in their chosen field.

Learning Community
The teachers at Sekolah Kristen Calvin have built a community dedicated to continuous learning. Within this community, teachers encourage each other to pursue further knowledge, especially in their respective fields. Several teachers at Sekolah Kristen Calvin have pursued advanced studies at the master's and doctoral levels to deepen their expertise, which they can then share with their students.

A curriculum that integrates Christian religious education, character development, national identity, and high-quality academic subjects
Sekolah Kristen Calvin seeks to develop a curriculum that integrates Christian faith and academic knowledge, not merely adding Christian perspectives to existing subjects. The school aims to ground all learning in Christian faith, shaping students' worldview and approach to knowledge. While academic excellence is valued, character development is prioritized and emphasized more intensively. The school cultivates a strong sense of national identity, teaching students that their citizenship is not accidental but a divine placement. As Indonesian citizens, students are encouraged to develop a proactive and engaged attitude towards their country.

Family community
Sekolah Kristen Calvin, in its vision, aims to shape students' character and foster a loving family community as part of the Kingdom of God. Why is this necessary? Sekolah Kristen Calvin understands that students must be prepared to be part of a church community that should love one another. Therefore, Sekolah Kristen Calvin operates as a community of teachers, staff, and students who are willing to love one another.

A disciplined and conducive learning environment
With the family community that is being fostered in Sekolah Kristen Calvin, it is hoped that the school environment will become a conducive place for students to learn. Of course, Sekolah Kristen Calvin also implements discipline that considers the character of God who is just and loving so that students can grow in good character.

A library with a complete collection
Sekolah Kristen Calvin is committed to providing high-quality books for its library. The library is a top priority and receives significant annual funding to ensure its collection remains comprehensive and up-to-date.

Good educational facilities and infrastructure
While Sekolah Kristen Calvin does not prioritize lavish facilities, it is committed to providing adequate resources to support the learning process. The school firmly believes that the most essential component of a quality education is a dedicated faculty who are passionate about teaching and nurturing their students.